Education theories promote engaging student where they are at in the online environment. The proliferation of what is referred to as Web 2.0 tools provide such an opportunity for academic libraries. To engage students where they are in the online environment. This introduction
provides an overview of the tools and what such library services may look like.
Web 2 and library2 an introduction
View more presentations from Fatima Darries.
Another presentation on Wikis. I have used it to create a bibliography for publishers in Arts and Design, Open Access Webliography and to mentor staff, using PBWorks.
Here's an example in Wetpaint.
Another presentation on Wikis. I have used it to create a bibliography for publishers in Arts and Design, Open Access Webliography and to mentor staff, using PBWorks.
Here's an example in Wetpaint.
Wikis for collaborative authoring
View more presentations from Fatima Darries.